Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular


Swimming program is provided as a part of the Prep to 6 Physical Education curriculum and is compulsory for all students. This program takes place at Monash Aquatic Centre in Waverley Road during Term 3.

Bike Education

The Bike Ed is delivered by the PE Specialist teacher. The program helps students in Year 5 and 6 to develop the skills they need to ride safely and independently on roads and paths. The program involves a mix of practical activities conducted off-road (in the school grounds) and on-road (on local roads) together with classroom activities.

School Camps

St Christopher’s students in Years 5 and 6 attend an annual Outdoor Adventure Camp. We rotate the Camps between The Ranch on the Mornington Peninsula and Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. The purpose of the Outdoor Camps is to use adventure to build confidence, a sense of achievement and build stronger relationships.

Kelly Sport

This is a multi-sport program aimed at developing skills for students in Years Prep – Year 4. This program takes place on Tuesdays during lunchtime.

Instrumental Music

St Christopher’s offers students the opportunity to learn a musical instrument during school hours or after school. Creative Music for Schools conducts the instrumental music lessons in the safe and familiar environment of the school. The programs offer hands-on tuition in either keyboard, guitar or violin.

Chess Lessons

These take place Mondays after school and are facilitated by Chess Mates.


Coding/Robotics program gives students the opportunity to learn new thinking skills. Learning coding helps students to gain advantages in problem solving, lateral and logical thinking, creativity and thinking fluidity, technology management and computational thinking.  The program is held every Tuesday during the lunchtime.

Tennis Lessons

St Christopher’s has well maintained tennis courts. Tennis coaching is run by an experience tennis teacher for students from Prep to Year 6. The program is held during lunch time and it teaches hand-eye coordination, total motor control, ball tracking and striking skills, all the while building balance, foot speed, strength, fitness, agility and flexibility. Please click the link below for more details:

St Christopher’s – Tennis


This program runs on Tuesdays after school and is run by Football Star Academy. Professional and qualified coaches provide personalised training that focuses on the fundamentals of the game, including dribbling, passing, one on ones and shooting.

Associated Performing Arts – K & C Performing Arts

K & C Performing Arts offer dance, drama and singing for children of all ages. We have qualified teachers who make this an enjoyable experience for your child. Students participate in concerts held in a theatre and Wakakirri Performing Arts Festivals. This program takes place outside of school hours.

Student Leaders

St Christopher’s Year 6 students are elected to a number of Leadership positions at the beginning of each year. All students in Year 6 are eligible to write and present speeches for positions and are then elected by their peers.

School Representative Council

The SRC is a group of students in our school that are elected by their fellow students. Two SRC members are elected from each year level and regular meetings are held. Students have the opportunity to participate and contribute to their school community. This enables students of all ages to have leadership training and deal with relevant issues.

Whole School Assemblies

St Christopher’s students have the opportunity to participate in Public Speaking during whole school assemblies. Each Friday a class is given the opportunity to showcase their learning to the whole school community. The assemblies are conducted by Senior students and parents are warmly welcomed.

Buddy Program

St Christopher’s Year 6 and Prep students are involved in a buddy system whereby each prep child is allocated a senior student to be their special friend for the duration of the year. The students will be involved in a variety of learning experiences in order to foster friendships and a supportive community.

Prep Transition Program

Incoming Prep students have opportunities to participate in a transition program that involves coming to school and experiencing life in school. St Christopher’s prep students are matched with Year 6 buddies to help them happily settle into school life. The Prep and Year 6 students are involved in fun literacy and numeracy activities to do together.

Secondary Transition Program

St Christopher’s secondary transition program focuses on good communication between our local Catholic and public secondary schools, and our senior teachers. Our Year 6 students are involved in an orientation day at their prospective secondary school.