The students at St Christopher’s are engaged in meaningful, personalised learning opportunities that have an authentic purpose.
New technologies are integrated, engaging children in ways not previously possible, creating new learning and teaching possibilities, enhancing achievement and extending interactions with the local and global community, At St Christopher’s Data is used to inform teaching to ensure that the student’s specific needs are met through small group instruction catering for different learning styles.
Specialised programs are provided for those students who exhibit a need or talent in any curriculum area. At St Christopher’s we recognise the importance of building a strong Partnership between school and home. Working together optimises our students’ successes.
We engage our community to develop local and global partnerships and we build strong links with the Parish to help support the wellbeing of our students, parents, staff and parishioners. At St Christopher’s our teachers provide the students with the opportunity for collaboration. Students are engaged in cross age learning and working in teams to promote learning together.
Our teachers strive to develop successful learners by developing excellent personal and interpersonal skills. The staff aim to educate the whole child in an environment where faith, culture and learning are valued. Learners are empowered to shape and enrich their world with meaning, purpose and hope derived from their encounter with the living Jesus.
Victorian Curriculum
St Christopher’s uses the current Victorian Curriculum to plan for students from Prep to Year 6.
The Victorian Curriculum describes what students are expected to know and be able to do at that level, and how well they should know and be able to do it. Our teachers aim to give students the life skills to manage themselves as individuals and in relation to others, understand the world in which they live, and act effectively in it. The Standards focus on the knowledge and skills of the student.