Enrolment Information

Enrolments for 2026 are now open. Please contact the School Office for an information pack, school enrolment application form, or to arrange a school tour.

We consider ‘Every Day is Open Day’ and are happy to arrange a school tour for you by appointment. Just contact the School Office on 03 9803 0011.

Please click the link below to download our Enrolment Form.

School Enrolment Form 

Privacy Policy

Privacy Collection Notice – Students and Parents

School Family Occupation Index

Please find below our Enrolment Policy:

Enrolment Policy

Enrolment Procedures

Concessional Fee Policy

Open Days and School Tours 2025

Our next Open Day and School Tour will be held on Thursday 1st May 2025  at 9.15am

Please call the school to register your attendance.
If these dates or times do not suit you, please do not hesitate to contact the school office
on 98030011 and we can organize another time to suit you.
We look forward to welcoming you!

Contact the School Office on 03 9803 0011 or email office@scsyndal.catholic.edu.au

Prep Enrolment Procedure

  1. A completed ‘Enrolment Application Form’ should be returned to the school office
  2. Families invited for a meeting with the Principal and to tour the school
  3. Successful applicants are informed by letter and asked to provide necessary documentation listed below:
Enrolment Acceptance Form
Birth Certificate
Immunisation Certificate
Baptism Certificate
Any other relevant documentation in keeping with the Enrolment Acceptance Form and our Enrolment Policy

Prep Transition

Upon enrolment, documentation relating to Prep Transition/Orientation Dates and Prep Parent Information Night will be provided. Transition sessions are held in the second half of the year.

Prep Transition Dates :  TBA

These opportunities provide essential preparation for students as they prepare to enter primary school and allow your child to:

  • become familiar with their prep teacher
  • meet  their fellow students
  • meet other teachers and support staff
  • familiarise themselves with the school layout
  • experience school life

Prep Transition sessions are also an opportunity for you as a parent to find out more about the difference an education St Christopher’s can make and to discover how you can be a partner in this.

  • Orientation Sessions held in 3rd and 4th terms
  • Parent Information Evening held in November
  • Orientation Morning for enrolled pre-schoolers held in December

Enrolment at other levels

For students transferring to St Christopher’s from another school the process for enrolment is similar to that outlined above. Relevant documentation in this enrolment category would inlcude any associated documentation from the previous school/s including school reports.
To facilitate the transition process at other year levels, students are provided with:

  • a class buddy and a buddy group
  • a staff buddy
  • meeting opportunities with the Student Well Being Coordinator
  • daily monitoring by the classroom teacher